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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Size range of the majority of viruses Virus 30 to 60 Table - link nm 109016 Weinbauer MG. Ecology...
Number of genera of plant viruses as of 2006 Virus ~80 genera 111222 Rao AL. Genome packaging...
Sizes and images of representative isocahedral viruses Virus Figure - link Å 103114 Baker TS, Olson NH, Fuller...
Concentration of viruses in natural waters during productive part of year Biosphere 5×10^6 - 15×10^6 viruses/ml 112576 Bergh O, Børsheim KY...
Latent period of viruses infecting ubiquitous marine cyanobacteria Cyanophages cyanophage S-BBS1 9 - 17 hours: podovirus P-SSP7 infecting Prochlorococcus MED4 8 hours hours 113065 Weitz, Joshua S. Quantitative...
Packaged volume fractions of some bacteriophage and eukaryotic viruses Virus Table - link N/A 111591 Purohit PK et al., Forces...
Highest nucleotide substitution rate Virus Microviridae spp. >1 substitution/105 nts/day 110709 Minot S, Bryson A, Chehoud C...
Percentage of human cancers worldwide attributable to viruses Human Homo sapiens 20 % 100495 R. Weinberg, The Biology...
Ratio between mutation rate in RNA viruses and in vertebrate species Various 1e+6 Unitless 106588 Bedford T, Cobey S, Pascual...
Percent of bacterial biotic carbon pool in the oceans that are viruses Biosphere 5 % of the carbon of bacteria 109019 Weinbauer MG. Ecology...
Concentration of Plancomycetes bacteria in P3 alkaline compartment of hindgut Termite Cubitermes spp 2.6e+9 cells/ml 104950 Köhler T, Stingl U, Meuser K...
Fraction of prokaryotes in oceanic surface waters killed daily by viruses Biosphere 20 to 40 % 106625 Suttle CA. Marine vi...
Estimated rates of beneficial mutation in E. coli & RNA viruses Various 1E-09 - 1E-08 1/genome/generation 112769 Perfeito L, Fernandes L...
Length of rumen ciliates Ciliate spp. ~20 - 200 µm 112829 Yokoyama MG, Johnson...
largest known virus as of 03/14 Pithovirus sibericum Length ~1500 Diameter 500 nm 111143 Legendre, M. et al.,...
Rate of productive viral infections necessary to maintain the global population of viruses Biosphere ~1E+24 productive infections/sec 116995 Krupovic M, Prangishvili D...
Percent of viruses in the natural viral community that might be devoid of DNA Virus 13 to 48 % 109024 Weinbauer MG. Ecology...
Fraction of microbial biomass in the ocean killed daily by viruses Biosphere 20 % 105604 Suttle CA. Marine vi...
Data on DNA content, cell volume and minimum doubling time for twelve species of ciliates Ciliate spp. Table - link N/A 110493 B. J. Shuter, J. E. Thomas...
Specific carbon content Flagellate spp. 96.1 fgC/μm^3 108151 Knut Yngve Borsheim &...